Stewart Warner dashboardThe LHD Dashboards

The standard gages are mechanical Stewart-Warner (although all the wiring harnesses have connections for electronic gages).  The tachometer is directly in front of the driver - what'd you expect in a race car?  The speedometer is at the far right.  Just the thing to entertain the passenger!

There are separate fuel level gages for the left and right fuel tanks, matching the separate switches for the left and right fuel pumps.  Of course, you also get the normal complement of gages: oil pressure, water temperature and an ammeter.

This car also has air conditioning vents under the dash which add to the cool air from the face level vents at either end of the dash.  The removable steering wheel is also an option.  Not necessary, but a convenience for those who are larger.

Smiths dashboardThe Smiths instruments are arranged exactly like the Stewart Warner.  The street dash has a wand for the signal light, the competition dash only has a three-position toggle.

For ease of service, the dash is broken down into three modules, each with its own plug-in wiring harness. Thus, a complex assembly or service task is broken down into easily manageable parts.


Gages - Stewart Warner speedometer, tachometer, oil pressure gauge, oil temperature, water temperature, fuel level gauges(2). Smith gages are optional.

Switches - Ignition, light, fuel pump, radiator fan, heater, wiper, panel light and signal switches